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Agaricus Scientific name of Agaricus mushroom is Agaricus Blazei Murill.
Agaricus mushrooms abounds with plenty of nutrients for example Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals, but what is most notable is that it has large amount of beta-glucan(peculiar to mushrooms) than other mushrooms.

At Kanehide Bio; the manufacturer of Agaricus products we handle, conducts quality assurance check by not only machines, but also human hands and eyes at each step of production process of Agaricus.

Nano Agaricus Mycelium Extract Agaricus Mycelium Tablets Agaricus Mushroom Extract Bulk Powder
Nano Agaricus Mycelium Extract
USD 294.54
Agaricus Mycelium Tablets
USD 78.36
Volume discounts available!
Agaricus Mushroom Extract Bulk Powder
USD 106.82
Secret price is available.

Please contact us by phone or e-mail if you have any inquiries about products.
E-mail: (Receive 24 hours a day)
Phone: 81-798-65-1502 (Please call on weekday between 09:30 to 16:30 Japan time.)

(※Please let us know your name, phone number, and address when you contact us.)

We have wholesale and retail sales record of health food, cosmetics, and health-related products for more than 23 years. We sincerely deal with our customers. Please feel free to contact us.